2024 Presenter Dr. Robert Bowell

Robert Bowell working in the field.

HOW MINERALS FORM: Stable Relationships and Like-Minded Souls
HOW WE GET COLORS IN MINERALS: Illustrated by Apatite, Pyromorphite, Vanadinite
Dr. Robert Bowell

Dr. Rob Bowell is corporate consultant in geochemistry at SRK Consulting. He has worked in the mining industry for 30 years. He is also an enthusiastic mineral collector, specializing in minerals of the oxidation zone particularly suites from mines he has worked on. He has an extensive Cornish collection particularly from the mines of Gwennap parish and Carn Brea. He is currently involved in the exploration and development of projects in Cornwall for tin, copper and lithium.

An example of blue colored gem provided by Dr. Robert Bowell for his symposium lecture.